Part 2: Сreating animation with MotionLayout and layout files.
Detailed instructions for creating animations with MotionLayout and layout files.
The article describes a non-standard method for creating animations, but the best solution for creating animations is to use the MotionLayout editor, which you can learn more about here.
This is a series of 4 consecutive parts dedicated to creating animations using MotionLayout with layout files.
Part 1: MotionLayout with layout files.
The purpose of this part is implement:
In this part you will understand the basic concept of creating animations with MotionLayout and layout files, and you yourself will create or clone a finished project with animations on GitHub.
If you cloned the project with GitHub then open FirstAnimation in this part it will be used.
Step 1
Сreate a project with empty activity:
Step 2
Name the project and indicate where to save it:
Step 3
Open up app -> res -> layout -> activity_main.xml (start state):
Step 4
Сonvert ConstraintLayout to MotionLayout:
Step 5
In MotionLayout delete everything and create your view with “@+id/view” ID:
Step 6
Open up app -> res -> layout -> new -> Layout Resource File and create a second layout file (end state) in it:
Step 7
Open up state_1 and in it we create the same component as in MotionLayout and with the same ID the differences are only in the constraints:
Step 8
Open up app -> res -> xml -> activity_main_scene.xml — this file is generated automatically when converting ConstraintLayout to MotionLayout:
Step 9
In MotionScene we delete everything and create our own Transition with our layout files (states):
Add events to which the animation will react:
Step 10
Run the application.
To create beautiful animations in Android use MotionLayout with layout files (states). <<<Experiment>>>